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5 Ways to Balance User Productivity with Solid Authentication Protocols

By Cybersecurity, Productivity

One constant struggle in offices is the balance between productivity and security. If you give users too much freedom in your network, risk increases. But add too many security gates, and productivity can dwindle. It’s a fine balance between the two, but one you can achieve. Organizations need to recognize the importance of both. And not sacrifice one for another. A recent report from Microsoft notes a dangerous lack of authentication security. Just 22% of Azure Active Directory users had multi-factor authentication (MFA) enabled. This means that over three-quarters were at a much higher risk of an account breach. Why…

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Free illustrations of Checklist

Simple Setup Checklist for Microsoft Teams

By Microsoft, Productivity

Microsoft Teams is a lot of things. It’s a video conferencing tool, a team messaging channel, and a tool for in-app co-authoring, just to name a few. During the pandemic, the popularity of Teams skyrocketed. User numbers for MS Teams jumped from 20 million in November 2019 to 75 million in April 2020. As of this year, Microsoft reports a user count of 270 million for the platform. This makes it the most popular business tool for team communications. But one of the things that makes the app popular is also one that can make the setup complex. Microsoft Teams…

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MacBook Pro on table beside white iMac and Magic Mouse

5 Mistakes Companies Are Making in the Digital Workplace

By Productivity

The pandemic has been a reality that companies around the world have shared. It required major changes in how they operate. No longer, did the status quo of having everyone work in the office make sense for everyone. Many organizations had to quickly evolve to working through remote means. During the worst of the pandemic, it’s estimated that 70% of full-time workers were working from home. Even now that the pandemic has hit a new waning phase, remote work is still very much a reality. 92% of surveyed employees expect to still work from home at least 1 or more…

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turn-on laptop displaying 97 percent battery

Get More Unplugged Laptop Time with These Battery-Saving Hacks

By Productivity

One of the big draws of a laptop computer is that you can use it anywhere. You don’t need to have it plugged in all the time because it has an internal battery. Your laptop may start out with several hours of battery life when you first buy it. But the lifespan can get shorter as time goes by and battery health takes a hit. Sometimes this can be due to a lack of PC maintenance. Other times, it’s due to the environments the laptop is subject to (such as a hot car). Seeing your laptop’s battery capacity shrink can…

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gray microsoft surface laptop computer on white table

5 Exciting Ways Microsoft 365 Can Enable the Hybrid Office

By Microsoft, Productivity

“Hybrid office” is the new buzzword you’ll hear used in business discussions. It’s the mix of having employees both working at the office and working from home. This has become more than a buzzword and is now the reality for many companies. There was a survey of employees with remote-capable jobs. The survey found that as of February of 2022, 42% of them were working a hybrid schedule. And 39% were working from home full time. The global pandemic brought on this hybrid office transition. It forced companies to operate with teams that could no longer safely come to the…

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Silver Imac on Top of Brown Wooden Table

Are Two Monitors Really More Productive Than One?

By Productivity

When you see those people with two monitors, you may assume they do some specialized work that requires all that screen space, or they just really like technology. But having the additional display real estate that a second screen provides can benefit anyone, even if you’re doing accounting or document work all day. We get used to being boxed in by the screen size we have. This can lead to us struggling when trying to fit two windows next to each other or continuously clicking between layers of windows on the desktop. Most of us have experienced clicking around to…

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Laptop, Mouse, Stethoscope, Notebook, Keyboard

What Are the Best Ways to Give an Older PC New Life?

By IT Management, Productivity

Purchasing a new computer is a big investment. Many small businesses and home PC owners end up struggling with older systems because they want to get as many years out of them as possible. Have you found yourself banging on your keyboard in frustration? Have you tried every tip and trick you found online, only to still struggle with a slow PC?  There are some promising upgrades you can do that will cost much less than the price of a new computer, while making your PC feel like new again.  Here are some of the options you can try to…

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person using black laptop computer

These Google Search Tips Will Save You Tons of Time!

By Productivity

Over 2.4 million searches happen every minute on Google. It’s often the first stop people make when they go online. We search daily for both personal and work needs, and often searching out the right information can take a lot of time if you have to sift through several irrelevant results. One study by consulting firm, McKinsey, found that employees spend an average of 1.8 hours daily, or 9.3 hours each week, searching and gathering information. This can be a productivity sinkhole as more web results keep getting added to the internet every day. One way you can save time…

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Microsoft OneNote

How OneNote Can Streamline Team Collaboration (And Four Tips to Make the Most of This Program)

By Microsoft, Productivity

OneNote is a digital note-taking tool that comes with plenty of benefits for users. But what you may not have realized yet is how powerful this app can be for enhancing team collaboration.   Note-taking. This is an essential part of day-to-day operations for many business owners, managers, and teams. After all, people can’t rely on their memory alone to recall everything that gets talked about each day. Especially when it concerns important matters.  When it comes to note-taking, traditional methods such as pen and paper are effective but take too long. But modern-day businesses need something that allows them to…

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person holding silver iPhone 6

The 7 Effective Features to Maximize Your Productivity on Google Drive

By Productivity

Google Drive is more than a file-sharing platform. It allows you to streamline your work in ways you never thought were possible. Learn how it can help boost workplace productivity.  Did you know that something as simple as organizing your business is crucial to success? The truth is that dealing with messy files and folders is of no help to you or your colleagues and clients. Instead, it keeps you unproductive and negatively impacts your business in so many ways.  Fortunately, Google Drive can be of great help in this area. Especially when it comes to improving workflow in a…

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