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8 Tips for Safeguarding Your Gadgets While Traveling

By Cybersecurity

Traveling with technology has become a necessity. Whether for work, communication, or entertainment, we rely heavily on our devices. But traveling exposes these gadgets to various risks. Theft, damage, and loss are common concerns.  We’ve put together some helpful tips to mitigate the risk of any tech mishaps on your next trip. Follow these eight best practices to ensure your devices remain safe when traveling. 1. Use Protective Cases Invest in quality protective cases. They shield your gadgets from bumps, drops, and scratches. Look for cases that are sturdy and provide a snug fit. For laptops and tablets, consider hardshell…

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Free hacker data theft hacking vector

Phishing 2.0: How AI is Amplifying the Danger and What You Can Do

By Cybersecurity

Phishing has always been a threat. Now, with AI, it’s more dangerous than ever. Phishing 2.0 is here. It’s smarter, more convincing, and harder to detect. Understanding this new threat is crucial.  A recent study found a 60% increase in AI-driven phishing attacks. This is a wake-up call that phishing is only getting worse. Here’s how AI is amplifying phishing and what you can do to protect yourself. The Evolution of Phishing Phishing began simply. Attackers sent out mass emails. They hoped someone would take the bait. The emails were often crude, using poor grammar and obvious lies were common….

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Digital Defense: Essential Security Practices for Remote Workers

By Cybersecurity

The rise of remote work has redefined the modern workplace. Gone are the days of rigid office schedules and commutes. But with this flexibility comes a new set of challenges – cybersecurity threats. Remote work environments often introduce vulnerabilities to your organization’s data and systems.  73% of executives believe that remote work increases security risk. But this doesn’t mean you can’t mitigate that risk. Below, we’ll equip you with essential security practices for remote teams. You’ll learn how to keep company data safe and secure, no matter your location. 1. Securing Home Networks Strong Wi-Fi Encryption Ensure that your Wi-Fi…

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Why Continuous Monitoring is a Cybersecurity Must

By Cybersecurity

Imagine this: you leave your house for vacation. You live in a shady neighborhood but feel confident your locks are secure, but you also don’t checkthem daily. Are they really locked and safe? A tiny crack or hidden weakness could have occurred. It’s a disaster waiting to happen. That’s the risk of neglecting continuous cybersecurity monitoring. Cyber threats are constantly evolving, and traditional security measures are no longer enough. Continuous monitoring acts as your vigilant digital guard. It’s constantly checking for weaknesses. It sounds the alarm before attackers exploit them. Why Continuous Monitoring Matters There are several reasons you need…

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A Simple Guide to the Updated NIST 2.0 Cybersecurity Framework

By Cybersecurity

Staying ahead of threats is a challenge for organizations of all sizes. Reported global security incidents grew between February and March of 2024. They increased by 69.8%. It’s important to use a structured approach to cybersecurity. This helps to protect your organization. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) created a Cybersecurity Framework (CSF). It provides an industry-agnostic approach to security. It’s designed to help companies manage and reduce their cybersecurity risks. The framework was recently updated in 2024 to NIST CSF 2.0. CSF 2.0 is a comprehensive update that builds upon the success of its predecessor. It offers…

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Don’t Risk It! Why You Shouldn’t Skip Vulnerability Assessments

By Cybersecurity

Cyber threats are a perpetual reality for business owners. Hackers are constantly innovating. They devise new ways to exploit vulnerabilities in computer systems and networks. For businesses of all sizes, a proactive approach to cybersecurity is essential. One of the most crucial elements of this approach is regular vulnerability assessments. A vulnerability assessment is a systematic process. It identifies and prioritizes weaknesses in your IT infrastructure that attackers can exploit. Some businesses may be tempted to forego vulnerability assessments. They might think it’s too costly or inconvenient. Small business leaders may also feel it’s just for the “big companies.” But…

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Free cybersecurity lock encryption vector

7 Common Pitfalls When Adopting Zero Trust Security

By Cybersecurity

Zero Trust security is rapidly transforming the cybersecurity landscape. It moves away from traditional perimeter-based security models. In this approach, every connection attempt is continuously verified before granting resource access. 56% of global organizations say adopting Zero Trust is a “Top” or “High” priority. This approach offers significant security advantages. But the transition process presents several potential pitfalls. Running into these can harm a company’s cybersecurity efforts. Below, we’ll explore these common roadblocks. We’ll also offer guidance on navigating a successful Zero Trust security adoption journey. Remembering the Basics: What is Zero Trust Security? Zero Trust throws out the old…

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Free mail phishing scam vector

Google & Yahoo’s New DMARC Policy Shows Why Businesses Need Email Authentication… Now

By Cybersecurity

Have you been hearing more about email authentication lately? There is a reason for that. It’s the prevalence of phishing as a major security threat. Phishing continues as the main cause of data breaches and security incidents. This has been the case for many years. A major shift in the email landscape is happening. The reason is to combat phishing scams. Email authentication is becoming a requirement for email service providers. It’s crucial to your online presence and communication to pay attention to this shift. Google and Yahoo are two of the world’s largest email providers. They have implemented a…

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Beware of Deepfakes! Learn How to Spot the Different Types

By Cybersecurity

Have you ever seen a video of your favorite celebrity saying something outrageous? Then later, you find out it was completely fabricated? Or perhaps you’ve received an urgent email seemingly from your boss. But something felt off. Welcome to the world of deepfakes. This is a rapidly evolving technology that uses artificial intelligence (AI). It does this to create synthetic media, often in the form of videos or audio recordings. They can appear real but are actually manipulated. People can use deepfakes for creative purposes. Such as satire or entertainment. But their potential for misuse is concerning. Deepfakes have already…

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